Landscape Lighting Maintenance and Service

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Landscape Lighting Maintenance and Service

Let Us Keep Your Lighting Beautiful

Outdoor Lighting Service - Tampa FL - Elegant Accents Outdoor LightingLike your car, landscape lighting systems require maintenance and service. Our lighting experts are here to help you maintain the beauty of your exterior lighting. With regular maintenance and servicing of your exterior lighting, you will not have to worry about your lights are not performing to their full potential. We are here to assist you with keeping your home looking amazing. Our technician’s skills and experience makes us the best lighting experts in the Tampa and the surrounding areas. If you need your exterior lighting serviced, give us a call to schedule an appointment.

Why Do I Need Lighting Maintenance?

Outdoor Lighting Service - Tampa FL - Elegant Accents Outdoor Lighting

Life happens. Landscape crews cut lines. Lighting strikes. Kids and animals can cause mishaps. Florida weather can take its toll. While our products are professional grade and meticulously installed, all lighting systems will function best with regular maintenance. Professional lighting maintenance by our Elegant Accents team guarantees continued satisfaction along with the admiration of your home. Our annual maintenance agreements are the best choice for keeping your home shining bright.

Our Service Maintenance Plans Cover the Following:

  • Technician(s) will perform a full evaluation of your system
  • Inspection of all light fixtures
  • Clean lenses
  • Trim landscape
    Adjust any fixture positioning
  • Make any necessary repairs
  • Make sure all gates and doors are closed and latched


Call us today for a Service Maintenance Plan Quote!

What is the Difference between Warranty and Service?


Let’s chat about maintenance, service and warranties and what they mean for our clients.


Service on a landscape lighting system is required when things are not working as they should. Elegant Accents has the best techs in the industry and they are fully trained to diagnose and remedy the problem. Service calls are billed for the time and material the techs need to bring your system back to 100%.


Like your car (or air conditioning unit, etc), your lighting system will function at its best with regular maintenance. When your system is being regularly maintained (we suggest 2-3 times per year depending on the size and use of your system), it will provide you with years of worry-free beautiful lighting.

Outdoor Lighting Service - Tampa FL - Elegant Accents Outdoor LightingMaintenance Plans include:

  • Thorough Inspection of Entire System
  • Clean Lenses
  • Bury Exposed Wires
  • Replace Bad Lamps or Fixtures
  • Trim Bushes/Foliage around Fixtures
  • Adjust Fixtures
  • Level Fixtures
  • Check for Cut Wires
  • Inspection of Transformers
  • General Maintenance Issues with System

Elegant Accents offers the best warranties in the industry. Our most popular lighting packages include a 20-year warranty on the fixture and a 5-year warranty on the LED bulbs. This means that if your system is being properly maintained, we will replace any fixtures that malfunction for 20 years and any bulbs for 5 years.

We'll Fix the Problem

#1 Lighting Maintenance Service

Along with helping you keep the exterior of you home looking beautiful, there are many reasons to make sure your lighting system continues to shine brightly and beautifully. With the help of our lighting professionals, you will not have to worry about temporary problems being a permanent issue. Whether you need adjustments, a quick fix, or bulbs changed, we got you covered.

Outdoor Lighting Service - Tampa FL - Elegant Accents Outdoor LightingWhat might affect the performance of my lighting?

  • Kids playing rough can impact your fixtures
  • Landscape overgrowth can diminish the illumination effect
  • Wires being disrupted by seasonal planting often brings some efficiency issues
  • Damage from lawn mowers
  • Pets digging up wires and fixtures

If you notice changes in the performance of your lighting, give us a call today to schedule your lighting maintenance service.

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