5 Unique Historic Home Lighting Design Tips

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Whether you’ve recently purchased an older home or you’ve been living in one for a while, you might be keen to upgrade the lighting. However, there are additional considerations when you’re thinking of historic home lighting design tips. Not all upgrades are good upgrades. Some upgrades may affect the design of your historical home and may affect the value of your home as well. You need to factor in a lot of things when you are thinking of upgrading your historical home and the lighting in each room of your precious home.

You want the conveniences and benefits of modern lighting, but you also want to preserve the style and aesthetic of your architecture. So keep in mind the following tips we are about to share with you. If your home is on the state historical register, there are probably limitations to what you can do when it comes to upgrades and renovations. If, however, you simply have a historic home, you’ll enjoy a lot more latitude when it comes to installing new lighting fixtures throughout.

historic home lighting design tips

Here are a few historic home lighting design tips to help you accomplish all of your goals where lighting is concerned.


1. Match Architectural Style


The best way to keep your historic home looking authentic when you plan to upgrade lighting fixtures is to seek out retro or refurbished pieces that match your existing architectural style. The right architectural lighting styles will ensure that your historic home remains a faithful representation of the original period. Knowing the right historic home lighting design tips will make your home stand out more.

2. Consider Modern Mash-ups


So it is better to have the right people to do these historic home lighting design tips for you to avoid waste of time and effort. These days, more and more homes are starting to feature a combination of elements from different periods and styles. Whether you’re pairing Victorian sensibilities with Spartan, modern elements or you want to work contemporary lighting into an arts and crafts style home, you can find the right confluence to suit your personal aesthetic and still present an attractive and inviting space.

3. Don’t Get Carried Away with a Theme


If you don’t want to think too hard about your lighting upgrades, you might end up ordering lighting that’s all virtually the same. This is a mistake. Every room in your home should have its own particular character that matches the purpose of the space.

While you can certainly strive to carry a theme throughout the home for the purposes of cohesive design, make sure the lighting fixtures you select for your bedroom, living room, kitchen, and so on are unique to those spaces.


4. Don’t Forget Outdoor Lighting


Whether you’re illuminating pathways and entrances or adding landscape lighting, you need to carry your efforts from the indoors into your exterior spaces. Keep in mind that your landscape design and outdoor lighting provide the first impression of your home. A well-lit exterior that matches the style of your historic home but provides the benefits of modern lighting advances should strike the perfect note.


5. Upgrade to Energy-efficient Bulbs


A few years ago, bulky and bright CFLs would have stood out like a sore thumb in antique fixtures. These days you can not only get energy-efficient bulbs that look more like traditional incandescent bulbs, but there are options for dimness, brightness, and even color of light to help you create the ambiance you prefer. You’ll save money and cut your carbon footprint in the process.


5553 W Waters Ave Suite 310, Tampa, FL 33634
(813) 629-2228

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